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Code Generators
are at the heart of our business

Our founders started producing code generators to accelerate their work in the 1990's, the first were finite state machine generators and data structure generators (BRON1).
Our current generators include BRON2C, which translates BRON2 Code to C code, and generators for the VisualBRON CASE Tool


  • Translates BRON2 Code to C
  • Generates SGI Extensions for IoT systems
  • Generates C from the VisualBRON BRON Code Generator output
  • C Code generated from BRON2C uses an OS abstraction layer (OSAL) for the timer, message and (optional) memory management operations. This OSAL can be deployed on bare metal, as a program/task in an OS/RTOS, and as a .DLL/.SO . Multiple OSAL instances are permitted, with inter-OSAL communication on and off board catered for.

    VisualBRON Code Generators

  • C Code Generator
  • BRON2 Code Generator
  • C# (In Beta)
  • VisualBasic (deprecated)
  • Host Simulator (In development, Available 2015)
  • VisualBRON designs are mostly abstract, platform specific bridge code and libraries being the exception. This means that VisualBRON designs can be processed by different code generators to produce implementations of the design in different languages.

    Whilst BRON2C and the VisualBRON CASE tool are free to use, the C Code Generator is available to buy. The free route to C code from VisualBRON is to translate the VisualBRON design to BRON2 code, then translate that to C using BRON2C.

    We recommend that you use the VisualBRON C Code Generator for VisualBRON projects.

    Our Host Simulator generator allows execution, and design level debug, of VisualBRON models on your PC.

    Contact Us
    to discuss your code generation needs